Each 3D letter is a tiny advertising signboard in itself with its own frame and illumination.
3D letters are the most versatile type of outdoor and indoor advertising, appealing due to its intensity, and rarely unnoticed. They can be considered a business card, as they are the first to meet the client and form a positive attitude to the brand..
Types of 3D letters
3D letters with colored external illumination can be of various sizes. Thanks to LED modules, the illumination of 3D letters turns out to be bright and impressive.

Unilluminated 3D letters are a perfect solution in case illumination is unessential. For example, in rooms with good lighting or as part of a decorative composition at the entrance to a store/building.

3D letters with open diodes are one of the most energy-saving technologies, as the LED clusters are placed on the front side of the signboard. The backlight color can change, gradually increasing or fading.
3D letters with counter light are very expensive and even noble version of the signboard design, perfect for premium class venues. "Reverse illumination" can be either combined in color with the design or contrasted. Thus, an impressive effect is created attracting the passers-by's attention.

Almost any outdoor and indoor advertising can be created based on 3D letters. And the right combination with other technologies gives the customer an opportunity to get a unique and easy-to-read advertising. The more unique its appearance is, the higher the chance is for the brand to stand out. At the same time, the signboard can turn into an integral decoration of the urban entourage or interior design. Three-dimensional structures made of stainless steel, aluminum, acrylic and organic glass or other materials, illuminated or none-at-all, such signboards are always on the spot. Illuminated 3D letters are much more effective not only at night time, but also during daylight in bad weather conditions. The illumination itself can be performed in a variety of ways to maximize customer engagement.

- the variety and size of three-dimensional letters allow designers to create all sorts of unique and resonant inscriptions for facades and rooftop installations, as well as for the separate elements of interior advertising;
- the use of various materials enables the presentation of advertising and information media in an exclusive design;
- they are easy to read and have a presentable appearance at the same time;
- they are quite compact and have a light weight; easy to install and manufacture;
- they are long-lasting;
- they are multifunctional. 3D letters look good on any background, thereby they are equally appropriate for the design of entertainment, shopping, medical, sports, business, and government institutions;
- they are information-bearing. 3D letters align target customers in the right direction quickly and efficiently, acting as one of the basic landmarks.

3D letters can be of any size: from one centimeter to several meters. The thickness of the advertising structure is limited only by the designer's idea, as the 3D letters' manufacturing technologies give you opportunity to create a side surface even up to three meters. Therefore, it is safe to say that each 3D letter is a small advertising signboard in itself with its own frame and illumination.